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Welcome from the Principal

Welcome to St. Rose School!

As we commemorate our 64th year, St. Rose School stands as a pillar of learning and faith in our community. Founded by Monsignor James Corcoran and the Sisters of Mercy, our school remains committed to developing leaders who are prepared to live as Disciples of Christ.

Since its inception in 1960, St. Rose School has nurtured minds and spirits, weaving the fabric of academic excellence with the threads of Catholic faith. Our rigorous curriculum prepares students not only for the rigors of higher education but also equips them with the values and virtues essential for meaningful engagement in society. Our graduates stand as living testaments to the enduring impact of a Catholic education.

At St. Rose School, we are more than an educational institution; we are a vibrant community of faith. Guided by our Catholic values and commitment to virtue, every facet of our school reflects unwavering dedication to nurturing the whole child. Our faculty, staff, priests, and families unite in support of each child’s academic, social, and spiritual growth, fostering a deep and abiding relationship with a loving God.

As we embark on this journey together, let us remember that our strength lies in our unity as a community of faith. Through blessings, grace, and gratitude, we embrace the limitless potential that awaits us.

Yours in Christ,
Mr. Michael B. Garcia