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Parent Service Program

Purpose of this Program

  • To provide an opportunity for school parents to be actively involved in their child’s education
  • To offset the deficit between tuition collected and the actual cost of operating the school
  • To give parents flexibility in choosing their service

Service Point Commitment

A minimum of 40 service points are required to fulfill the Parent Club service commitment. Families who choose not to sign up for at least 40 service points for the school year will be billed an additional non-refundable registration fee of $1,500.00 on October 1. Families who sign up for service points and do not fulfill their required commitment of at least 40 service points for the school year will be billed an additional non-refundable registration fee $1,500.00 on March 15.

  • Volunteers accept the Service Point Positions and will complete the minimum 40 point commitment by May 15.
  • Volunteers are responsible to contact the Chair/Co-Chair or Coordinator to know and understand their duties/responsibilities, as well as to be informed of meetings and commitments. Information is also posted on the school website, calendars, Newsline, and Monthly Messenger for important dates and obligations.
  • Volunteers understand it is their responsibility to have the Chair/Co-Chair or Coordinator sign off on their fulfillment of the position and will use the Parent Guild Service Points form at the event to sign in/out.
  • Volunteers understand that the parent/guardian fulfills their service position(s).
  • Volunteers understand it is their responsibility to contact Chair/Co-Chair, Coordinator and Service Point Coordinator if they are unable to fulfill the Parent Club Service position due to injury, illness or emergency and it is their responsibility to discuss OPEN positions (listed on the school website) to fulfill their service position(s) commitment(s).

Parent Club Fee Commitment

Each family must pay the $105.00 Parent Club non-refundable Donation/Fee which is used to offset the Parent Club sponsored fundraising events and school activities. The $105.00 donation is due on or before registration. If a family chooses not to make the $105.00 donation at this time they will be bill a $125.00 fee due by September.

Thank you in advance for your commitment to SERVE your children and the families of St. Rose School.

Scrip Program Commitment

Think Scrip before you shop! Please see the Scrip Program Page for an overview of our program.